Liu Changfa the retired engineer from china made a simple robot cook from a rudimentary tools, like hammer and axe. really simple but powerfull. hope that this Robot cook can help you doing your kitchen work. here's a little story about Liu Changfa the chinese engineer who made this robot cook.
The Chinese inventor connected his robot cook to a laptop computer and a cellphone that allow to choose preset menus, or program it to cook certain dishes. Vinegar, salt, sugar and all other seasoning is stored in the robot’s chest, and the cooking takes place in its belly, where an induction cooker is installed. With the help of some dedicated software, the dedicated robot can be programmed to add a certain amount of seasoning, or stir a dish a certain number of times.
All Liu Changfa has to do is put the raw ingredients into the pot, and wait for the beeping sound, made by the robot. He has already contacted a Chinese restaurant, which will test the robot cook in its kitchen, and add robot dishes on its menu. More restaurants will shortly follow, says Liu Changfa.
Well, I’d wait a while before adding cooking to the list of automated fields, but this is definitely a step in that direction.
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